How to Showcase Your Most Valuable Qualities in Video Interviews

Making a strong impression in a video interview is incredibly important. Video interviews are becoming increasingly vital in hiring in-house counsel positions, yet some candidates overlook the opportunity to showcase their best qualities.

During an interview, candidates must demonstrate preparedness as legal professionals, whether in person or on video. In addition to evaluating their overall suitability for a position, an interviewer may also consider how they would come across in meetings with top executives, in front of clients, with future opposing counsel or judges, and in front of board members.

As legal executive recruiters, we hear many stories of otherwise qualified candidates whose poor video interview performance prevented them from getting an offer. Use the checklist below to make the best impression possible during a video interview.

Technical Video Interview Preparations

Practice Using the Most Popular Apps

You never know which platform a potential employer will want to use for an interview. Download, configure the preferences for, and practice (on a computer, phone, and/or tablet) using all these apps: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Google Meet. That way, everything is ready, even for a last-minute interview.

Check the Internet Connection and Wi-Fi

You are at a tremendous disadvantage if the video call keeps cutting out. Before the interview, test the connection with a friend or use the built-in test calls if the software offers it. If a good connection isn’t available, consider renting a co-working office or borrowing a friend’s space.

Check and Test the Background and Lighting

Consider what a potential employer will see in the background and whether there’s adequate lighting. Avoid backgrounds that are distracting, messy, unprofessional, or hinder visibility. A background issue can be resolved by blurring it within the app’s preferences. Alternatively, consider using an available virtual background (either an office or a blank backdrop). Test either of these solutions beforehand to observe its impact.

Test the Microphone and Speakers, Earbuds, or Headset

If possible, hop on a video call with a friend using the platform the potential employer will use and test everything for hearing and being heard. If that’s not an option, test the equipment using the built-in testing that most video call software offers.

Consider Privacy – Yours and the Potential Employer’s

If you’re an attorney or work in compliance, you know the importance of privacy and confidentiality. This also applies during a job interview – the search itself may be confidential, or discussing private information may occur. Keep this in mind when deciding on where to take the interview.

Minimize Background Noise and Other Distractions

The quieter the interview space, the better. Modern microphones have excellent voice-isolation capabilities but may not work well in noisy areas. Virtual interviews are often one hour in length or less, so ensure you are maximizing every minute by avoiding distracting background noise or visual interruptions.

Figure Out the Best Position for Your Camera and Eyes

Experiment with the positioning of the camera so that your face and shoulders take up most of the video frame. Avoid placing the camera below face level. Center the video call application window under the camera or tape a tiny dot to the screen underneath it. Look straight into the camera to create the feeling of eye contact.

The Day of the Interview

Dress and Groom Professionally

Attire should be as professional on video as it would be in person. For an in-house counsel position interview, a suit jacket or blazer is essential at a minimum. Ask the recruiter or human resources regarding the need for further formality. All hair (head and facial) should be well-groomed.

Have Your Resume and Any Notes Printed Out and Easily Visible

Place the paper on the keyboard or sticking part way onto the screen, ensuring the type is large enough to see easily. Avoid requesting a minute to pull up the resume. It’s acceptable to open a note-taking app on the computer or tablet during the interview; taking notes is appropriate as long as it isn’t distracting. Just remember to look directly into the camera – and not at yourself, your notes, or your resume.

Arrive Early and Retest Everything

Click on the meeting link 10 minutes ahead and recheck your background setup, internet connection, microphone, speakers, headset, or earbuds. Make any adjustments before the interviewer enters the call. If you arrive late for a video interview, you are already at a huge disadvantage to land the job.

Close Digital Distractions

Quit all other applications – email, Slack, and other chat apps. Turn on Do Not Disturb or turn off notifications on all devices. The noise is audible to everyone on the call, and your eyes tend to automatically move to any notifications.

Pay Attention to the Interviewer

Notice when the interviewer is zoning out or not responding well – or when they’re intrigued by what you’re saying. If the interviewer is zoning out, ask them a question to re-engage your audience. In general, you should only be speaking 50% of the time and the interviewer should be speaking 50% of the time. Practice concise responses to typical interview prompts and be prepared with questions.

Don’t Forget the Basics

All interviewing basics apply during video interviews. Be prepared to speak about your motive for considering this opportunity with a focus on the company or the position versus your personal motives. Show your passion for the role and the organization. Demonstrate that you’ve researched what the company does and why you’d be an excellent fit for the role. Research the types of questions you’ll likely be asked when interviewing for an in-house counsel, General Counsel, or compliance position; avoid common interviewing mistakes; and use the interview to learn about the potential employer’s culture.

Is your organization hiring for an in-house counsel or compliance role? Connect with one of BarkerGilmore’s executive search consultants to find the best talent for your company.


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