By | Jun 21, 2024 | Categories: Hiring & Recruiting |

The Client: Global Manufacturing Organization

Position: General Counsel

Industry: Construction

Recruiting a General Counsel Successor: Manufacturing and Construction

Client Need: General Counsel

The client, a global leader in construction and manufacturing with a substantial legal department, was at a pivotal moment of growth and development when their long-serving General Counsel decided that retirement was on the horizon. This transition coincided with the arrival of new leadership, creating an opportune moment for a fresh General Counsel to steer the legal team through forthcoming challenges, manage the sizable department, and mentor emerging talent.

In collaboration with senior leadership, BarkerGilmore helped refine the vision for a proactive, business-centric legal department. The new General Counsel needed to evaluate team size, identify strengths and weaknesses, appoint liaisons to other departments, and deeply integrate the legal team into the business fabric. Crucially, the role required developing a succession bench and fostering connections between legal and business functions to cultivate future relationships.

Key success factors included ensuring sustainable growth, anticipating needs that support expansion, and maintaining a nimble legal program open to calculated risks.

The search criteria were:

  • Juris Doctor (J.D.) with 10 to 15 years of in-house legal experience in the manufacturing or construction sector.
  • Proficiency in managing legal teams of at least twenty-five, with a strong track record in mentoring and professional development.
  • Familiarity with automation and technology to streamline workflows, such as implementing contract templates for regulatory compliance.
  • A proactive approach to aligning legal strategies with business objectives.

Recruiting Solution

BarkerGilmore initiated the engagement by advising the client on three essential qualities for the new General Counsel: deep industry knowledge to navigate growing regulations, experience in leading large legal teams with a focus on mentorship, and the ability to serve as a cultural beacon, embedding the legal department within the broader organization. Utilizing their extensive database of industry-specific legal candidates, BarkerGilmore assessed each individual’s skills, emotional intelligence, relationships, and judgment for the role.

After thorough vetting, BarkerGilmore presented a slate of candidates, ensuring each was well-acquainted with the company’s culture, industry position, and global operations. The finalist brought invaluable insight from a competitor with a nuanced understanding of the construction and manufacturing sector’s regulatory landscape and litigation history. They had successfully led large legal teams, understood the importance of cross-departmental engagement, and were committed to integrating automated workflows into legal operations. Furthermore, they proposed a phased relocation plan to accommodate their family’s needs.

The new General Counsel accepted a competitive compensation package and joined the organization in May 2024. The client appreciated BarkerGilmore’s meticulous approach in identifying industry experience, leadership capabilities, and cultural fit to craft the ideal candidate profile. Feedback from stakeholders indicated that the new culture of proactive engagement is gradually replacing the status quo with a growth-oriented mindset.


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