The Top Ways GCs are Adapting and Reacting to the Pandemic
We at BarkerGilmore sincerely hope you, your family, and your team are well despite the [...]
7 Trends for Fortune 500 General Counsel Appointments in 2019
Every year, we see approximately 10% of Fortune 500 companies appoint a new General Counsel. [...]
Journey to Best-in-Class: A Roadmap to Improving the Law Department’s Effectiveness and Efficiency
Strategic Advisors and Coaches Gjon Nivica and Marla Persky shared best practices for law departments to become more effective and efficient in how they [...]
BarkerGilmore’s GC Advantage to Help Foster Collaboration Between In-House Leaders
For the past three years, BarkerGilmore has had its advisers work with in-house counsel on how to better interact [...]
General Counsel Comp Continues to Rise, Study Finds
A report by Equilar and search firm BarkerGilmore states that over the past five years there has been a [...]
Strategies for Paying and Retaining Top General Counsel: Webinar Recording
Our recent webinar showcased an expert panel discussing how growth in responsibilities and influence impacts [...]
Benchmarking General Counsel Compensation
General Counsel pay continues to rise at an accelerated rate, keeping pace with the increased [...]
Best Practices for General Counsel Succession Planning
Like other executives, General Counsel are tasked with identifying and developing their successor. While hiring [...]
Diversity Drives Business Performance
The results of a recent global survey of more than 1,700 companies published in the Harvard [...]
The 2019 GC Compensation Survey: Pay’s Moving On Up
The compensation king is back. For the second year in a row, Morgan Stanley chief legal officer Eric Grossman [...]
Big Payday For GC, But With A Gender Gap
The latest compensation survey from recruiter BarkerGilmore finds average annual salary increased in 2018, with the greatest increases showing [...]
Reaching Past Inclusion
Reviewing a recent survey conducted by global management consulting firm BCG, I was struck by the [...]