By | Mar 29, 2021 | Categories: Hiring & Recruiting, Career Development |

Employees are the lifeblood of an organization. Each one ensures a company runs smoothly on a daily basis, stays afloat during economic downturns, and continues to thrive in halcyon times. However, the ever-increasing presence of technology in the workplace, especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, has shifted the company-employee dynamic. Many have closed offices and turned to long-term remote and hybrid working conditions. (Even we at BarkerGilmore have been researching and formulating new policies around this.)

Technology improves operational efficiency, limits the potential for human error, allows employees to focus on strategy and connecting with customers, and facilitates more rapid expansion on a national and international scale. And yet, the question remains: has it also reduced hands-on, collaborative teamwork?

Yes, without technology, companies would struggle to grow and adapt. However, without people, these organizations would barely exist. Before technology was so widely utilized, teamwork and collaboration were integral factors in the success of a business. Just look at some of the most well-known startups and largest companies globally.

This increased use of technology has made it even more imperative for corporate leaders to proactively foster a culture of collaboration, connectedness, and inclusion within teams.

Technology: The Good and the Bad

Technology has the uncanny ability to both hinder and bolster a company’s culture:

  • It has helped keep many organizations afloat and people employed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The overhead cost of running a company has been lowered, allowing many employees to maintain (and even increase) output from the “comfort” of their homes.
    Yet, as we have seen over the last few years, the work-from-home set-up has created the notion that we should, ideally, be connected 24/7. Employees struggle to separate or step away from work, shut off for a period, and refuel, which leads to additional stress and reduces team morale and productivity.
  • Technology has made almost everything easier: learning, communicating, innovating, accessibility, and reducing costs while increasing revenue are much more efficient processes compared to ten, or even five, years ago.
    Yet, we have become so dependent on technology, and we struggle to function when it fails. When the power goes out, the internet disconnects, or software glitches, accomplishing even routine tasks becomes arduous.
  • Technology is needed to streamline and optimize business operations.
    Yet, an increased use of automated processes can make employees feel replaceable or uninspired.
  • With technology, we can communicate at any moment, share documents, and connect “face-to-face” instantly. This ability to constantly communicate changes how people view themselves and interact with fellow human beings. Everyone can get attention, always be heard, and never have to be alone.
    And yet, connecting electronically can also lead to feelings of isolation. With technology, we have more efficient, but less meaningful, communication. People lose the time to think before speaking and the ability to truly listen to one another. In turn, we see teams with reduced interpersonal skills, less collaboration, and a weakened drive to learn new things. The ability to connect, collaborate, develop relationships, and align on goals and tasks quickly dissipates.

Today, the use of technology is unavoidable, and its benefits are undeniable. However, this does not mean companies must settle for, or ignore, its inherent drawbacks. Au contraire, there is much corporate leaders can and should do to ensure the company’s culture, ambition, and footprint are not lost as technology advances and strengthens its hold on the business world.

Technology and Culture

In an age where social media and online forums have a significant presence, we as a culture have swayed from connecting physically to connecting virtually: for meetings, roundtables, debates, dating, news, and more. This connectedness keeps the world moving forward, and yet, it also creates a disconnection when cultivating an inclusive, safe, and kind workplace culture.

Consider the following:

  • When we are not face-to-face, it is easier to speak our minds, be who we truly are, and also be more aggressive and forceful. Think of things that have been said in an email or text message. Would the same things have been said in person?
  • When communicating through digital platforms, it is easier to ignore conflict and other cultural issues within the organization. A passive-aggressive email can be disregarded for however long the recipient wants. An uncomfortable Zoom meeting can be ended with a simple button click.
  • When we rely too heavily on technology, we expect less from each other, and the desire and ability to connect at a human level dwindles.

The positives and negatives of technology, and the ramifications of its misuse or mismanagement, add a whole new layer to what it takes to be a good leader in the digital era.

How can we maximize the use of technology while reaping the many benefits only found through human connection and collaboration? Do we need to have daily video meetings with our team? How do we keep employees motivated and challenged? How do we ensure employees are doing everything possible without coming across as overbearing? There isn’t a ubiquitous answer to these questions.

We have three generations working together in many companies, and each generation has different goals, needs, and worries. Inclusivity is essential, but creating a message and nouveau culture needs to be aligned, to a certain extent, individually. Some want and need direct critiques, and some require a compassionate, goal-oriented approach. Others have the internal drive and motivation to succeed regardless of the environment.

When trying to find a balance for the team when it comes to the use of technology and collaboration, keep the following in mind:

  • Consider a goal-oriented approach.
  • Ask people on the team what works best for them when tracking workflow.
  • Have some personal one-on-one or team check-ins. Every meeting doesn’t need to be focused on work-related matters.
  • Assign tasks requiring communication with teammates daily or at least every other day.
  • Don’t shy away from being direct when work is not completed on time.
  • Set a precedent from day one but be flexible. Everyone has different needs and thrives under different leadership styles.

And above all else, remember easier isn’t synonymous with better. Technology is best when used to augment human interaction – not substitute for it.

If we become too engrossed in technology and the efficiencies it affords, we so quickly lose sight of the ideals that help companies progress – and at the very heart of those ideals are the people with the ideas and ability to work together to create something new. For a company’s culture to continually develop, adapt, and mature, a human element must be present to ensure intangible (and invaluable) soft skills live on in a world of automation and AI.

Our team of consultants is happy to help accelerate the initiatives that you’re already pursuing or to supplement your current strategic thinking to help you realize your vision. Please reach out if you or your organization may benefit from our recruiting, leadership development, or law and compliance department consulting services.

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